kitkaos Dec 31, 2020 13:19
shrek, chuck, fanfiction, l'n'c, superman returns, english, big bang theory, !rec list, quote unquote, superman, deutsch, young justice, zerophilia, dollhouse, arashi, star trek
kitkaos Apr 27, 2014 11:18
quote unquote, challenge, deutsch, arashi, recommendation of the day, fanfiction
kitkaos Oct 22, 2011 00:32
wallpapers, superman, drabble, quote unquote, graphics, deutsch, colorbars, comics, story, rpg, fanart, superman returns, fanfiction, l'n'c, english
kitkaos Jul 07, 2011 09:13
superman, quote unquote, fun, superman returns, fanfiction, english
kitkaos Jun 10, 2009 14:04
quote unquote, fun, english
kitkaos Nov 14, 2007 19:17
superman, quote unquote, graphics, fanart, superman returns
kitkaos Nov 14, 2007 10:39
quote unquote, english